James Groundwater Sustainability Agency

The James Groundwater Sustainability Board of Directors meets quarterly on the third Thursday of January, April, July and October at 10:00 a.m. at 8749 9th Street, San Joaquin, California.
The James Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) was formed in 2017 in response to the California law, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Signed in September 2014, SGMA provides the framework for local governments and water agencies to manage groundwater resources through the formation of Groundwater Sustainability Agencies or “GSAs”.
The James GSA is one of seven GSAs in the Kings Subbasin. It is one of over 260 newly formed agencies in the State of California tasked with implementing SGMA.
The James GSA is authorized under SGMA to develop, adopt, and implement a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). This plan outlines current and historical groundwater conditions and provides the roadmap forward to groundwater sustainability. The final GSP was submitted to the CA Department of Water Resources on January 28, 2020 for initial review. To download the GSP, visit our Groundwater Sustainability Plan webpage.
James Irrigation District Dual-use Solar Power - Groundwater Recharge Facility Seen Below